Several months ago, I walked into my studio room, stood there for approximately one second, spun around and walked out.
Several days before that, I’d started to feel bored doing my daily quick collages. They were feeling routine, stale. Like I was rehashing the same routine, the same images, the same thoughts.
I noticed that when I looked through my box of collected images, nothing stood out to me. Time to trash them I thought, and start anew.
I knew there were some images that I wanted to keep so I started to go through the box. That wasn’t working either. What would really feel freeing would be to throw out the whole box in one go. That seemed too much so I walked away.
The next time I walked into the room was when I walked right back out. My collection of books, art supplies, objects d’art and PAPERS, so many papers, all neatly organized suddenly felt incredibly overwhelming. Like they were closing in on me. I couldn’t bear to be in the room anymore.
I decided to temporarily spend my days working in the spare bedroom where there is more space. More open area. And more room to breathe.
But that didn’t do anything about what awaited me in the studio. Although I don’t think of my collections as clutter, much of what is in that room is outdated, no longer relevant and needs to be cleared out.
Daily Quick Collage ~ Linda Hough 2016
All of this is unfinished business that I know I need to address. I have a deep intuitive sense that what I most need right now is a clean slate, a blank canvas to begin a whole new phase.
Much like the overabundance of stuff in our lives, so too can the overabundance of thoughts in our heads take away from the quality of life that we yearn for.
Do you know this feeling?
Are you ready for a clean slate? To create the next chapter in your life?
When you clean up unfinished business, you not only create space for yourself physically + mentally, you have more energy.
All those loose ends in your life? Whether you are thinking about them consciously or not, they are taking up valuable energy. Energy that could go toward something so much more satisfying.
Every time I walk into that room, I feel crushed by the weight of it all.
Now I know what you’re thinking because believe me, I was thinking it too. What about all the energy it will take to do the clearing out? All the time! All those decisions? All too much!!
Daily Quick Collage ~ Linda Hough 2016
Here’s what I suggest: take a pen + paper and make a thorough list of all the things you’ve started but haven’t finished.
Then write down anything else that would give you a clean slate.
This could include anything you are tolerating, anything you’ve been putting off, even conversations you need to have with specific people.
Anything and everything that will give you open space both in your environment and in your head.
Anything and everything that needs either FINISHING or CLEARING OUT.
Then ask yourself what items do you really want to finish? What brings you joy when you are either doing it or using it? What items no longer have that spark and need to be cleared out?
My FINISH list includes work projects, online courses, websites, and house repairs. The CLEARING OUT list includes that collage box, the entire studio room, creative projects that no longer hold interest, emails + computer files, and my wardrobe.
Daily Quick Collage ~ Linda Hough 2016
Though your list may seem like a LOT, just the act of getting all of this out of your head and onto paper releases blocked energy.
Now, about the TIME thing.
Here’s what I’ve been doing that is working well: micro-movements.
Where you can, break your list down to the smallest elements.
For example, taking the time to finish this email + setting it up to send out will be pleasurably completed. But to clear my entire studio in one go => overwhelming.
To make this monumental task manageable, I’ll clear one shelf at a time. And just clearing that one shelf already feels better. Lighter. Freer.
Use a timer if that will help. You’ll make decisions faster. Rather than overthinking, feel for the inner YES that sparks joy.
One last thing: take a look at your list. I know you made one!
Imagine for a moment that this list is empty.
Imagine all your unfinished business complete. All the excess cleared out.
How would that feel?
Can you see how much energy this would free up for you? Energy to spend with your kids, out in nature, or even on creative projects!!
Now…I’m off to throw out that entire box of collage images and give myself some wide-open space for new creation.
Where will you begin?
Visual Journal Page ~ Linda Hough 2016