Busy. Busy. Busy.
You can’t stop for a moment to catch your breath or you’ll lose more time.
It’s not actually possible to lose time but it sure feels as though it is.
What can I say that you don’t already know, haven’t already read? That isn’t a cliché or platitude about taking on too much or just saying no?
What about this: if you slow down, you’ll get there faster.
Does that sounds like a dream? Or a nightmare?
Daily Quick Collage ~ Linda Hough
Rather than take up more time of your time, I’m getting straight to the point today.
Nothing good is accomplished with a mass of worried thoughts racing around in your head while taking frantic action.
When you feel like you’ve got way too much on your plate, when life feels overwhelming and you’re about to lose it, do a complete about face. Slow down to get more done faster.
This may sound counterintuitive and almost impossible to actually do.
Imagine taking action with a calm mind, knowing that what you need to get done will happen with less effort the more you slow down and focus on the task at hand.
Right. And how does that happen?
All that crazy-making thinking is the only thing getting in the way of your productivity flowing more easily. Take away this interference and you have ready access to the clarity and focus you need to best accomplish whatever lies before you.
Daily Quick Collage ~ Linda Hough
When your head is clear of unnecessary thoughts, you effortlessly determine which actions are most appropriate and most effective for you to take.
The more you slow down and listen for what wants to happen, the easier and more joyful life gets. Rather then trying to rush through your to-do list or cram too much into your day, you tend to each moment as it occurs with a free + open mind allowing new thoughts and ideas to show you the way. You are connected to your natural inner timing.
Are you thinking that your work pace is too fast to ‘allow for inner timing’?
This too is only a thought that is getting in your way. When you recognize it as a thought and not something that is real, you loosen the grip it has on you. When you allow this thought to pass through your mind without grabbing hold of it, recycling it again and again, turning it into worry or stress, you open yourself up to new thought which again, allows for clarity and focus, giving you the ability to accomplish more in less time.
The next time you notice you are feeling stress or the need to rush, slow down instead. Take a moment to relax (or let go completely) of whatever thoughts are causing you distress. Let your shoulders drop. Let your mind clear. Feel your heart beating as you take a deep breath.
You are now focused in the present moment with all your inner resources available to do what is in front of you to do without the interference of a thousand other thoughts pulling you in a thousand different directions.
If you are finding this hard to believe, do yourself a favor and give it a try.
The only things you have to lose are worry + stress + overwhelm.
Daily Quick Collage ~ Linda Hough