Within you is all you’ll ever need
to do what you want to do
to BE who you really are.
Like the diamond in a mound of coal
or a pearl inside of an oyster
this deepest, wisest, truest part of yourself
has been hidden.
There is not one other person with your
particular essence, experience or way of being.
You are unique.
You have your very way of being in the world.
Your path doesn’t always make sense.
If fact, often it doesn’t.
But when another piece of the puzzle falls into place,
you can look back and see
how all the pieces fit together.
Eventually, they make a picture, the story of one life lived.
Most of the women I work with have some variation of this core desire:
to live in the world authentically.
To be free of social and familial conditioning,
limiting belief patterns and bad habits.
To find their magic, their purpose, their power.
They are tired, literally, of feeling the fear of being visible,
of hiding out, of feeling not good enough, alone and abandoned.
If this sounds like you,
I see you.
I hear you.
I too grew up looking outside myself for validation,
worthiness and love.
Until I found my magic.
The search took a lifetime.
You don’t have to wait any longer.
You can find more of my story here.
But we are here to create a new story for YOU.
Wise Women Magic
is a process that guides you
onto your own unique path,
that ignites the spark of radical SELF expression
and divine potential
{ your magic }
that lies dormant within
so that you can be, do and have what you want in the world.
You will learn a new understanding that will uncover your inner vision
and then navigate through any blocks that inhibit the expression of that vision.
Through the process, you will build the self-trust and inner worth
that results in outer wealth in all areas of life.
Right now, life can look very difficult, frustrating and scary.
And it certainly can be all of those things.
Life can also be beautiful,
an invitation to freely create and express yourself,
to add your voice to the choir,
to find your story with the happy ending.
This is the path that I desire to take.
If this sounds like something you’d like to do too,
I invite you to start here.